The regulations requires a determination of employees’ exposure to noise to ensure employees are not overexposed. The Exposure Standards are currently 85dB(A) Leq averaged over an 8-hour period or a peak noise level of 140dB(C).
Noise Risk Assessment
We can carry out a noise risk assessment in accordance with the requirements of the regulations as follows:
- Identify risks to employees from exposure to noise.
- Assess employees’ exposure to noise with a Type 1 sound level meter, in accordance with Australian Standard/New Zealand Standard 1269.1:2005 (Occupational noise management) Measurement and assessment of noise immission and exposure.
- Recommend appropriate noise control options pursuant to Regulation 3.2.4 with a hierarchy of control approach, i.e. elimination, reduction (with substitution or engineering options), administration, then hearing protection.
Written Report
We can then provide a written report which includes:
- The risk assessment scope, methodology, and a summary of the relevant regulations and standards
- Tabulated results of measured noise levels, including time-history graphs from personal dosimetry
- A risk assessment of measured noise levels
- Recommendations, using the hierarchy of control approach, for risk control measures
- Examples of hierarchy of control measures for consideration
- A Written Record of Risk Control Measures (excluding timelines and responsibilities)